Thursday, August 9, 2012

How it started...

Last May I had the awesome opportunity to travel to Rwanda and teach English. Although it was only five weeks, it was an experience that changed my way of life and the way I see the world.

Since then, I've wanted to do at least year of service after college but I didn't know where or what program to take part in. After a lot of searching and praying things eventually led to Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM).

Time and discernment, prayer and pink eye later - I'm going to Madagascar!

This summer has been a journey in itself as I prepare mentally, physically, spiritually, and grammatically (aka practicing my rusty French). I've been putting off publishing a post on my first blog all summer, but there's a time for everything - so here it is. My first blog post. More to come with more details about everything. But for now, I would greatly appreciate thoughts and prayers as the days draw nearer to when I leave. And good news, it's not too late to donate if you feel like it! :)

You are MORE than welcome to write a check to the "Evangelical Lutheran Church in America" and can write "Sarah Adam - YAGM" on the memo line. You can mail it to the following address:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
PO Boz 71764
Chicago, IL 60694-1764

It's a tax deductible donation and a possible bonus of a long-distance post card/letter from yours truly :)

Stay tuned...

Love ya, mean it!

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