Monday, October 8, 2012

Being Vulnerable

The first time I cried here was about two weeks into country orientation. It wasn't because I was sad or upset, I just finally, what I call, "let my body become vulnerable to the spirit".

So I found a piano at the retreat-like-center where we were staying and after about 15 minutes of crying and writing, I recorded a song on my ipod. I don't consider myself a "song writer" I just happen to write out my feelings and "match" them with a tune. Especially at night time, when it's just my guitar and my thoughts...

And now that I've been at my placement for three weeks, I find myself understanding and relating to the song I wrote a month ago more than I had before. I'm not one to put my music out there very much - but I guess this song basically sums up a lot that I've been going through and where my heart has been.

If you don't like it, that's fine.

It's not meant for you to like. It's just meant for you to get a better understanding of my spirit.

So here it is.

It's time to let go. It's time to be free.
It's time to open your heart. And let your mind be. 

It's time to breathe again. And let your body break. 
It's time to open the flood gates and make some mistakes.

Stretch out your arms now and learn to fall. 
Take in one more breath and wait for the call. 

It's time to laugh. It's time to wander.
It's time to let your soul soar amongst the thunder. 

Let your heart be open to what it needs to do.
Stop thinking and listen to what the spirit is telling you. 

It's time to let go. It's time to be free.
It's time to be challenged to who you're called to be. 

Stretch out your arms now and trust the fall.  

"Eny Ary." That's all.


  1. Wanna do our sprints good? Sing this beautiful ditty at the retreat? During worship? Just think about, no pressure, Sarah. Just pulling the P-card.

  2. I want to go to there...meaning you singing that song. I love you, my talented Sister.

  3. I love the song and I want to hear it with the music, melody and most of all your voice. Cann't wait. I love you. Dad
